Meet the Squad: Maddison


Maddison Williams 


11 and a bit, but who’s counting? 

Specialist Areas:  

Marine Biology and Extreme Sports 


Climbing where she shouldn’t, swimming where others wouldn’t, and music so loud it’s usually described by her parents as sounding  like “a catfight in a bomb factory”. 


Stopping, sitting down, sleeping, resting, or  ‘taking it easy’. She isn’t keen on food that  can’t be consumed in ‘Power Bar’ form, and  she’s also not too fond of rules. Any of them. 


Maddison Williams has broken seven bones in her life – but she’s also climbed eight mountains, so as far as she’s concerned, she’s winning by one. If she’s not scaling a cliff  face, you’ll find Maddy in the sea; she loves all things aquatic, from sharks to shellfish; dolphins to dumbo octopi. On the rare occasion she’s on flat ground, skating is her preferred method of getting around. She also enjoys dying her hair to suit her mood, and wearing stick-on tattoos to panic her parents. 

Likely to say things like: 

“Cuts and bruises are just the signs of a good time – and broken bones usually mean you should have jumped higher.”