In 2017, the Telegraph reported that:
“the skills shortage has now overtaken planning and regulation as the second biggest problem facing the industry”.
At Get Kids into Survey we recognise that, in order to secure the future of our industry, we need to unite the geospatial community to inspire a new generation of surveyors. We know that people like you take great pride in their work, and we want you to share your enthusiasm with young people.
Take a look here at the fantastic work that’s already underway, learn more about the resources on offer, then share your own passion by becoming a brand ambassador or a sponsor for our next exciting initiative.
Thought about doing a bit of outreach but are still sat on the bench? See what our Brand Ambassador Dylan has to say about going into schools:
100% funded by Industry… without companies’ support we would not be able to create our resources worldwide. These are provided free of charge so they are accessible for ALL! Join our current 100+ stakeholders and help fund our mission.
Get your own company mascot whilst supporting the Get Kids into Survey initiative! Have a browse through our Character Spotlight blogs.
Unsure what you will get out of your GKiS sponsorship? We’ve got all the answers in our latest blog… why wouldn’t you want to play your part in educating our future geospatial workforce?!