Join Maddison, Miles. Setsuko and Kwame on a time-splitting adventure to a future on the brink of total chaos – a future without geo surveyors!
Taking control of four hi-tech mechs, the team tackles landslides, runaway trains, Antarctic squid, an urban inferno, and an evil businessman who seems to want to get rid of geo surveyors for good! Will the squad save their crumbling city – and then the world? There’s only one way to find out!
Read the first chapter of the GeoSquad comic now and discover Middletown 2049, the surveyor-less city.
What would a world without surveyors look like? We delve into the world of surveying and geospatial tech as four kids of present day battle with the future consequences of this dying industry. This comic doesn’t just tell an exciting tale about our four heroes but it teaches kids and parents alike the importance of the surveying industry and why it’s something we as a world nation should know more about.
Set up with their VR headsets and embodied in their super mechs, the adventure begins. GeoSquad waste no time putting their mechs’ super surveying equipment to good use. They straighten and stack skyscrapers, re-route roads and fix floors, sift sewer sludge, and even save stuck kittens from tall trees. ‘MIDDLETOWN GOES MAD FOR MARVELLOUS MECHS!’ the news announces. It’s a great start. However, trouble is brewing back in their own time.
Will they shake off the school bully? Not forgetting all of the challenges in both present and future Middletown that they face. Nothing is plane sailing for these 4!
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Read our latest articles by writer Mat Sullivan
The Origins of the Geosquad
The Continuing Adventures of the Geoquad
Intro to the Comic Book
Seiler Geospatial is so pleased to help support awareness and education for our younger generations. Get Kids into Survey along with Elaine and Elly Ball, are a fantastic group whose foresight and dedication help young minds on up - learn about surveying and the geospatial industry on a global level. We are proud to help support this education mission!
For the last several years, it has been the mission of the Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors (ISPLS) to attract youth into our profession to help replace our aging and retiring workforce. This mission has afforded us the opportunity to present to age groups ranging from kindergarten to seniors in high school. The Get Kids into Survey posters and stickers have provided a fun and interesting ice breaker with kids so we can engage in discussing career opportunities as a surveyor.
NSPS is proud of our participation (especially by Vice President Tim Burch, and Trish Milburn -NSPS Staff) in the Get Kids Into Survey initiative. The thousands of posters that NSPS members and staff have shared throughout the U.S., along with our participation in state, regional, and national conferences for educators, have been very well received. That outreach is making a difference in the efforts of individual NSPS members, as well as the efforts of the NSPS State Affiliate organizations. One thing we have learned related to promotion of Surveying as an attractive profession to pursue is how critical it is to “plant a seed” in the minds of young people as early as possible. Get Kids Into Survey is providing extraordinary tools for that effort.