Character Spotlight ‘WSLS’

Say hello to our newest sponsors the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors (WSLS). We love working with them, having recently spoken at their online event (view our keynote here):

Company NameWisconsin Society of Land Surveyors  (WSLS), we have approximately 900 Members. 

LocationWisconsin, USA

Why did you get involved in Get Kids into Survey ? We want to interest Youth and Youngsters in Surveying.  A number of things we do are Trigstar with High School aged Students, help Scouts with Merit Badges, Future City, doing “A Day in the Life of a Surveyor” with Elementary Schoolers, etc.    

What do you do? (From the seven and three year olds) We look through the transit to see better, hold the range pole and elevation rod, use a hammer to pound, put flag ribbon on things we find. 

How long have you been in the Survey Industry? WSLS has been in existence for more than 70 years. 

How did you get into the Industry?  (From the seven and three year old) When Grandpa took pictures of us Surveying and showed us his “Get Kids into Survey” Posters. We like the posters. They have lots of bright colors and so much on them. We liked the Hide & Seek questions on the posters!  Lots of people like the pictures he took of us doing Surveying Work. 

Funny Fact about the you: (From the seven year old) I love to play search and find and hide & seek, especially outside in the ground, snow, and leaves! (From the three year old)  I love to be silly and stand on the transit case so I am tall enough to see through the transit  !  We get dirty doing this, but Grandpa says that’s okay. 

Favourite piece of kit and why? (From the seven and three year old)  I like the heavy hammer to pound things into the ground! I like the orange cones and to stack them up! 

Favourite Survey technique and why?   (Directly from “Duey North”)  I am a Badger and love to dig in the hard clay, sand, and mud. My feet and claws are built for that and  I’m very good at it! 

Your website:

Tell us about your character?  Our WSLS Institute Planning Committee came up with the Character and his name “Duey North”. His cap shows our WSLS logo and he’s wearing the colors of our beloved Green Bay Packers. The Badger is one of our most famous animals.  

(From the seven and three year old) He is a cute little Surveyor Guy. He looks happy and smart! It looks like he’s using a Survey transit like we look through.