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Introducing the amazing Surveying and Mapping Society of Georgia (SAMSOG):
Company Name – Surveying and Mapping Society of Georgia (SAMSOG)
Location – The state of Georgia, USA. We serve the surveyors throughout the state by providing networking, continuing education, and representation on governmental issues affecting land surveying and land surveyors. We support College and Universities that offer surveying classes and provide scholarships to students studying to be land surveyors.
Why did you get involved in Get Kids into Survey? We are committed to bring young people into the ranks of surveying. We want them to know what a fun profession it is. You can work in the office, the field, or both. You can work as a technician with no formal surveying education or study and become a Professional Licensed Land Surveyor. We were first introduced through NSPS. The posters really caught our attention and are a great way to introduce Land Surveying to kids of all ages. We distribute the posters to career counselors at their annual conference to post in their offices and classrooms to remind them to tell kids about Land Surveying as a career option.
What do you do? I fly around and spreading the word to everyone I see about what a great profession land surveying is! With my robotic thrusters, I can cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time. I might begin my day in the on the shore and end it high in the mountains. All types of terrain need land surveys including lakes, rivers, streams and the ocean! I love to see my professional land surveyor friends working. They tell me fascinating stories about their adventures and all the different types of jobs they do. And they get to use robots, not exactly like me, and drones that fly…but not as good as me!
How long have you been in the Survey Industry? SAMSOG was organized in 1947 and incorporated in 1949 and has been serving the industry since then.
How did you get into the Industry? While flying around I saw people looking through these camera looking boxes on 3 legs and other people holding sticks. I wondered what they were doing and asked! They told me they were measuring land lots and other things. Now I see them trying not to hit me with their flying cameras called drones! I see them in the woods, in the cities, on construction sites, at mines and landfills, looking for utilities, and sometimes even on the water in boats. Surveyors work on all kinds of interesting projects.
Funny Fact about the you: I am not just any bird, I am Brown Thrasher, the state bird of Georgia and I am a robot! I have a GPS receiver on my back so I always know where I am!
Favourite piece of kit and why? I love the posters and the stickers. As stated above, we pass the posters to the counselors. When we attend career days at schools we pass the stickers to the students.
Favourite Survey technique and why? I like all survey techniques because I help all of the surveyors in the state who do all different types of work!
Your website:
How did you choose the character and what does he/she/it represent? GKIS staff helped A LOT! The Brown Thrasher is the Georgia, USA state bird. It represents Georgia and SAMSOG in the State Land Surveying Society. He is a robot which symbolizes Land Surveying Technology, Mean to you? Birds often travel in flocks or groups and that is what SAMSOG is…a flock or group of land surveyors.
What’s his/her name? Sammy (SAMSOG)?