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Introducing Ravi Parmar from Cheshire, UK:
If you are not a surveyor, what do you do? Business Development and Marketing Manager for Malcolm Hughes Land Surveying. I promote and help grow the land surveying business and I am one of the only members of the team that is not directly involved with the actual surveying side, however growing the company is a huge part of my role.
How long have you been in the industry? Since 1977 – so 43 years
Are you part of any associations or organisations you would like us to mention? Ogilvie Group (parent company) – The Survey Association (TSA) – the TSA is used for best practice and guidelines for all Land Survey companies and is a fantastic place to find out more information on Land Surveying as well as job opportunities and a community dedicated to the outreach of surveying. They also own The Survey School which is a place for all ages to learn the art of surveying.
Why do you want to be a GKiS Brand Ambassador? The industry is vast and we are always looking for new talent. Sadly land surveying is not taught in schools and we want to help kids realise there are career opportunities available within this sector of construction. It is ideally placed for people that love mathematics and being outside. It is also extremely tech orientated with the use of things such as laser scanners and 3D modelling. So anyone interested in design and computers, there are CAD opportunities for those that love computers.
Why is it important for kids to know about surveying and the wider geospatial industry? The surveying industry is vital for all forms of construction and is the starting block for all forms of construction at initial stages. We provide plans, designs and precise measurements so that everything is put in the correct places. The tech that not only kids, but all adults use to navigate is based on our industry from things as simple as using maps and satnavs, to the placement of the house they are in now.
What are you going to do as an ambassador for GKiS? We would love to give talks and educate kids on the vast number of jobs and opportunities available in the sector and help broaden career horizons for all.
What are your hobbies? Skydiving, gliding and being outdoors!
If you/your company had a GKiS character, what would it be? An eagle! Very American I know, but drones are a big part of what we do and having that aerial view of the world is exactly what we deliver.
What poster or resource would you like to see next from GKiS? The range of jobs within the survey industry arranged into one place. There are many aspects to surveying and as specialists in land surveys we know there are so many more opportunities in the wider survey industry for people to know about.
Anything else you want to add that you think our audience (surveyors, teachers, parents) would be interested in? Surveying is such a large and well paid industry, so being a surveyor is an excellent career path for not only kids, but adults looking to change their career.