Ambassador Spotlight ‘Maryna Storie’

Welcoming our latest Brand Ambassador Maryna Storie from SADC, South Africa:

How long have you been in the industry? 28 years
How did you get into surveying? Through working as GIS expert with Engineers
Not a surveyor? What do you do? GIS and Remote Sensing and RPAS/UAV
Any associations and organisations that you’d like to mention:GISC (USA); SAGC (RSA); GISSA (SA); DMISA (SA) as GISP; PrGisc and PrDM
Why is GKiS important? It is in their early youth that kids get passionate. Primary school is a fantastic time to introduce it without making it a ‘subject burden’ that teenagers often see such things in high school. Catch them early and at the same time support teachers
What are your plans as a Brand Ambassador: Distribute the initiative across primary schools in particular
What are your hobbies? Flying including Drones.
Anything else you’d like to add: I would want to help get the word out – across countries in Africa where I work