Ambassador Spotlight ‘Jay Shakespeare’

Introducing our latest Brand Ambassador Jay Shakespeare who is covering the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire areas of the UK!

Where did you study? University of East London (UEL)
How long have you been in the industry? 24 Years
How did you get into surveying? Couldn’t decide what career I wanted and found surveying offered an opportunity to travel the countryside with a mix of fieldwork and office time.
What do you do? I’m the Director of MK Surveys
Any associations and organisations you’d like to mention? The Survey Association (TSA)
Why are you volunteering as a Brand Ambassador? Surveying is a great career that isn’t supported enough within schools and colleges. i find it very easy to talk about my job.
What are your plans as a Brand Ambassador? Looking to work with the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) to make more kids aware of surveying as a career
What are your hobbies? Martial Arts and anything outdoors with my family