Ambassador Spotlight ‘Eduardo Corona López’

Introducing Eduardo Corona López our latest ambassador from Guadalajara in western Mexico!

Requirements to be a Surveyor in your area? Degree and professional license (federal and state)
Any associations and organisations you’d like to mention: Im an active member of a professional surveyors group on my state Jaliaco
Why is GKiS important? I know there’s a need for promoting the career so more students get in role on this profession.
What are your plans as a Brand Ambassador: create some advertising for parents who are Surveyors or Geomaticians that says or promotes that you are proudly a surveying engineer parent. Invite them to the University to the Topographic Lab and do some activities and rally’s.
What are your hobbies outside of work? movies, and soccer.
GKiS character ideas? A lion. All of us who study at the University of Guadalajara are called Black Lions, like the team’s logo.
GKiS resources future suggestions: Creating a board game for children that teaches about Topography or Geomatics