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Introducing our latest Brand Ambassador Eddie Fossler from Omaha, Nebraska, USA:
Where did you study? – I graduated from ITT Technical Institute with my Associates Degree in Computer Aided Drafting and 3D Animation
What are the requirements to be a surveyor in your area? – To Survey you need to be willing to work under other Surveyors, and be open to learning and challenging yourself. In order to become a Licensed Professional Surveyor in Nebraska, you need sufficient experience in the Surveying Profession (approximately five years), a recommendation from another Licensed Professional Surveyor, and the ability to pass the Professional Surveyor In Training test (PSIT) and then the Professional Licensed Surveyor test (PLS).
How did you get into surveying? – I got into Surveying by pure curiosity and willingness to try new things. After I had been in the profession for a few years and had been exposed to a variety of different types of Surveys, I got very excited about how I could learn and grow!
If you are not a surveyor, what do you do? – I draft and create every type of survey that is required from our projects. While not a Licensed Professional Surveyor, I do perform all of the duties and responsibilities of a PLS, the only difference is that I don’t sign surveys.
How long have you been in the industry? – 27 years
Why do you want to be a GKiS Brand Ambassador? –Surveying has opened up my world in so many great ways, and my life is better for having had “dove in” and taken a chance on learning it. There is so much growing and changing in this profession, that the idea of being able to help young people become aware of and interested in surveying and the opportunities it creates is exciting and meaningful to me.
Why is it important for kids to know about surveying and the wider geospatial industry? – Because the disparity between how much the public knows about surveying and geospatial, contrasted to how important these professions are to our modern society is frankly shocking. Even if only to help create awareness four the future of our world, GKiS is a massively important movement.
What are you going to do as an ambassador for GKiS? – I’m going to demystify some of the aspects of surveying and share my experiences and expertise in a way that’s relatable and fun. Tie surveying to our everyday lives and show kids how boundary, topography, and layout help create our modern society and create some of the fun things that we all enjoy! Whether it’s public presentations, or hands on demonstrations with local STEM groups, or even community organizations, I’m going to utilize my ambassadorship for GKiS as a great way to get those conversations started.
What are your hobbies? – I love creating podcasts, nature walks, rollerblading/skateboarding, singing, reading, watching movies and playing video games.
If you/your company had a GKiS character, what would it be? – The Olsson Otter! We do quite a few waterway surveys and we’re fun and social!
What resource would you like to see next from GKiS? – Perhaps an app that allows you to upload and share notable and interesting projects to share in demos and presentations?
Anything else you want to add that you think our audience (surveyors, teachers, parents) would be interested in? – I think and animated short featuring the characters from GKiS would be amazing!!