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Introducing our latest Brand Ambassador Trevor Wilson who is covering the Merseyside / Liverpool region of the UK. Let’s learn some more about him:
Requirements to be a Surveyor: You will either need to go to college/ university or get an apprenticeship
How long have you been in the industry? 2 years, 6months, 23 days
How did you get into surveying? I was first introduced into surveying at cronton college whilst I was studying DEC level 3 and this was when I completed a week surveying course with the survey school. Which Topcon had sponsored and this led to me falling in love with the digital technology used in construction, from the course I managed to get offered a position with Topcon as their new apprentice as a trainee sales consultant which I grabbed with both arms. From that I have managed to get a full time position with Topcon as a trainee support engineer as I really enjoyed the side of the business where you were constantly solving problems and getting to grips with the newest technology and instruments in the industry.
Not a surveyor? What do you do? I’m currently a trainee support engineer and this has allowed for me to help customers with their problems whilst also improving my skills with the technology we provide to the industry. This may be the latest instruments/ software used on site so I can try to see if there are any problems with it or getting training from my colleagues on kit which I have used yet because I have still got a lot to learn about the industry.
Associations and organisations: I’m I student member with the CICES
Why are you volunteering? I would like to give back to the students and give them just a part of the fantastic opportunities which I have been presented. Also because surveying is almost like a career stuffed at the back of the draw because all students dream to become a architect and I think that if the students just new half of what a survey does for work they would definitely give it a try.
Why is GKiS important? So the kids can start to look up surveying and hopefully give it a shot and also because everything needs a position where ever you are in the world. I also think that the new generation will definitely enjoy using the technology in construction.
BA plans: I’m hopefully going to change the minds of young students and show them different career paths in construction rather than just architecture or design. Also because there is definitely a shortage in surveyors in the UK because students think it is all about calculating the measurements but it is so much more advanced than that now.
What are your hobbies? I really enjoy spending time with my girlfriend who I have been with for 6 years whether it is taking our 5 dogs (Blue, Sky, Hesky, Stevo, Bella) on a walk or watching TV together. I have also been very dedicated in trying to increase the population of Thai Rigdebacks in the UK as there are only a handful of them as they are the 3rd world rarest dog in the world. I have also got an addiction with cutting black opals from Australia which can be very time consuming as they have to be cut by hand. I have also recently started trying to working out everyday throughout the week and weekends are my time to rest.
GKiS character ideas: I think that Topcon would be a great suit being a BEE because or work motto is “ For Work That Matters” and a bee is constantly working to help the planet we live on and they are also great team workers as a hive cannot survive with only 1 bee. This is the impression I have gotten from Topcon from the start as I have always got a great team behind me in what ever I want to try and do.
GKiS resources: I think it’s brilliant what you are doing so I would just like to see you guys keep going as GKiS has the potential to change the world for young students.
Anything else: I think that your audience would like to see real life story’s of kids getting into surveying as this is going to draw more attention to all of the other kids.