Introducing our latest Brand Ambassador Leslynette Carrucini, from Arlington, Virginia USA:
- Where did you study?
I have a bachelor’s degree in Land Surveying and Topography from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez campus.
- What are the requirements to be a surveyor in your area?
If you just want to work in the surveying industry as a surveyor staff under a professional land surveyor you don’t need specific requirements. But If you want to be to be a professional land surveyor you must have: 1) Have a undergraduate degree in land surveying or related field from a university accredited by (EAC/ABET); 2) Take and pass the Fundamental Surveying exam; 3) Have at least 4 years of experience working under a professional land surveyor; 4) Take and pass the national Professional Surveying exam; 5) Take and pass the State surveying exam.
- How did you get into surveying?
I started working in surveying when I was a teenager. A professional land surveyor gave me the opportunity to work for him over my summer breaks during which he mentored me, and as a result, I became interested in pursuing surveying as a career.
- How long have you been in the industry?
As full-time employee, I have been in the industry for more than seven years.
- Are you part of any associations or organisations you would like us to mention?
I’m a member of the District of Columbia Association of Land Surveyors (DCALS), a member of the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) and a member of the Asociacion de Agrimensores de Puerto Rico (Association of Land Surveyors in Puerto Rico).
- Why do you want to be a GKiS Brand Ambassador?
I have a lot of passion for Land Surveying because, while it is a profession that plays an important role in the development of society, unfortunately it is a profession that is shrinking. Over time there are less people interested in becoming a land surveyor, due to a lack of information about the profession. We as surveyors should help to inform the public about our profession and its importance in society.
- Why is it important for kids to know about surveying and the wider geospatial industry?
In order to encourage more people to join our profession have more land surveyors in the future, and to ensure that the broader public recognizes the importance of the surveying profession, we need to start encouraging the new generation to learn about surveying.
- What are you going to do as an ambassador for GKiS?
My goal is to promote the education of children about surveying by visiting schools and talking about our profession, and by helping in any way that GKiS would like.
- What are your hobbies?
I’m a musician so my main hobby is to play the traditional Puerto Rican hand drums in a local music group. I also like to dance, travel, and learn about other cultures.
- If you/your company had a GKiS character, what would it be?
A female land surveyor who is from the countryside of a small and remote island, but gets to do surveying all around the world.
- What resource would you like to see next from GKiS?
Cartoon videos explaining what a land surveyor does and why it is important.
- Anything else you want to add that you think our audience (surveyors, teachers, parents) would be interested in?
Keep talking about surveying to kids and the general public. Also, promote the GKiS web page to educators so they can find resources and ambassadors to educate their students about the land surveying profession.